Zango Disclosure Statement

LJ Hooker Belconnen (‘Agent’) hereby discloses to you that there exists a commercial relationship (‘Relationship’) between the Agent and Zango Australia Pty Ltd (ACN 634 023 715) and Zango ACT Pty Ltd (ACN 635 878 134) (collectively, ‘Service Provider’).

By listing your property on the Service Provider’s platform at or by the Agent otherwise referring you to the Service Provider, the Agent may receive:

  • units in a unit trust that is a shareholder of the Service Provider (as well as distributions from time to time associated with those units), with the number of units being issued being commensurate with the amount of fees paid by the Agent to the Service Provider for the listing of properties by the Agent on the Services Provider’s platform but with the value of these units (and any associated distributions) being otherwise indeterminable at the time of this disclosure;
  • an offer to subscribe for shares (and to receive dividends associated with those shares) in the capital of the Service Provider with the number and value of shares being indeterminable at the time of this disclosure;
  • other financial benefits which may include, but are not limited to, commissions or discounts for listing with the Service Provider with the value of these other financial benefits being indeterminable at the time of this disclosure;

Where the Service Provider is relied on to provide services, the Agent is complying with the disclosure requirements of the Agents Act 2003 (ACT) and the Agents Regulation 2003 (ACT).